Weather Forecast for Raleigh - Durham Area - includes wind direction/speed and night forecast except where noted.
Each day after 7pm I run Session Manager in Firefox to select the web pages I want (see below). Then I adjust (1) the second WNCN page (to view bottom of the forecast), (2) the second Weather Undergound page (10 day forecast to get last 5 days) and Weather Undergound's weather history pages to get yesterdays day and month weather, and finally (3) The Weather Channel and AccuWeather's monthly forecast to select the correct months. Next I run Scrap Book to capture all the pages/tabs. All files are saved in Scrap Book format which is an exact copy of the page at the time I captured it. I also manually capture WRAL's forecast to a text file. Many of these pages are available beginning November 15, 2012. Session Manager and Scrap Book are described at the bottom of this page.
Propose to gather data from sites shown in bold below.
The following are links to the forecasts and other data.
- National Weather Service: Raleigh, NC
7 Day Forecast - Airport
Point Forecast Matrices - Airport - 7 days in table format
Hourly Weather Forecast Graph - Airport - next 48 hours
Hourly Weather Forecast Graph - Airport - following 48 hours
Hourly Weather Forecast Graph - Airport - last 48 hours
Hourly Weather Forecast Tabular format - Airport - 48 hr forecast
Hourly Weather Forecast Tabular format - Airport - forward next 48 hr from above forecast
Hourly Weather Forecast Tabular format - Airport - froward 48 hr from above forecast
Area Forecast Discussion - Airport - is this available from archived discussion data?
Zone Forecast: Wake County - should this be used also to compare to WRAL, ABC etc?
Quick Links provide quick access to many of NCDC's climate and weather datasets, products, and various web pages and resources.
Quality Controlled Local Climatological Data (QCLCD)
HDSS Access System - Point Forecast Matrices are archived here - search for site KRAH and product ID FOUS52 (you may need to refresh screen Ctrl-F5 to get it to load)
NWS RDU XML format (may not be useful) - is this of any use?
NWS 12-60 hour Forecasts of Fronts and Pressure Graphic Loop
WRAL 5 -Raleigh - also captured forecast in textpad (ASCII) see
WRAL daily weather.txt
WNCN NBC 17 - no wind direction/speed (graphic only)
WNCN NBC 17 - no wind direction/speed (same as above but used to show rest of forecast - probably not needed since the entire panel is captured?)
ABC 11 -Ral/Dur - no wind direction/speed and rain is for day and night together (graphic only) (uses Accuweather computer for details - see below)
Time Warner -Triangle - no wind direction/speed (graphic only)
Intellicast - Raleigh Extended Forecast - only two days of nighttime rain and wind info
- Wunderground - Airport
first 5 days of 10 day forecast- see below
last 5 days - click on right arrow - do this before running Scrap Book
- AccuWeather Forecast - Airport
day 1 - very detailed
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6
day 7
AccuWeather - Monthly Planner for Airport (you may need to manually select month) - Hi/Lo only - for summary only
AccuWeather - Monthly Planner for Airport - Next Month - contains History and forecast
CNN -Raleigh, NC 27612 (adj Airport on East) no wind speed/direction and no percent prob. rain - just says showers
MSN - Morrisville, NC (adj Airport)
Custom Weather -Morrisville, NC (adj Airport)
World Weather Online - Airport (started collecting Nov 2013)
- Weather Cast by MeteoGroup - Airport (started collecting Nov 2013)
day 1-6
day 7-14
UNISYS - Wake County (started collecting Oct 2013)
- The Weather Channel - no wind speed/direction
10-Day Forecast for Airport
10-Day Forecast for Airport (print format)
Monthly Planner for Airport (manually select month) - Hi/Lo POP and history
Monthly Planner for Airport - Next Month
- Historical Data
Wunderground - Airport - Daily History - Select yesterday
Wunderground - Airport - Monthly History - Select yesterday - good graphics
- The Weather Channel and
have historical Hi/Lo on a monthly calendar
Intellicast - National Radar Loop - Roanoke, VA - Yesterday
Weather forecast accuracy for Morrisville by Forecast Advisor
NWS monthly data in html and ASCII format: 1 Choose Quality Controlled Local Climatological Data (QCLCD), then 2 Select State Where Desired Station is Located (North Carolina), then 3 Select Desired Station (Raleigh/Durhan Inter AP RDU), then 4 Select Desired YearMonth (wait a few days after the end of the month for it to be updated)
- Surface Analysis Maps
How to read the maps
Current Surface Analysis 24 hr Loop - Eastern (Central) N-S Washington to Savannah ... E-W East Coast to Louisville, KY
Forecast from TV stations as of date and time you came to this site.
enter Control-F5 to refresh these images (especially maps)
Time Warner Cable News 14 - Triangle
Session Manager for Firefox - saves your tabs - after going to each of my links, you can save them in Session Manager and it will load them all for you the next time you want to open them
ScrapBook is a Firefox extension, which helps you to save Web pages and easily manage collections. After running Session Manager, you can run Scrapbook and easliy save all the pages with one click.
Overall project is how well does each forecaster predict the weather from day to day and when there is a significant weather event.
I also want to show interesting graphics, e.g.,
historical radar from day to day,
projected US fronts,
monthly line graph of historic data of entire period: hi lo prec see weather underground
August and September 2013 (temperature scale changes from low 40F to low 30F - to adjust watch average high and low.

NWS 12-60 hour Forecasts of Fronts and Pressure Graphic Loop